Archive for December, 2013


Here is to you, and us, and the great adventure

If I knew then, what I know now, I’d do it again.  Absolutely all of it.

2013 was a great ride. 


Why is there one person, despite all your good sense can undo all the walls you build?

There is a person in my semi recent past. He was the first guy I loved, let alone liked after I broke up with my ex of 18 months.  We dated for 6 months this summer.  He left to follow opportunities my perfect college town couldn’t give him.  I’m incredibly happy for him.  Judging by his facebook posts, it’s a wonderful experience for him.

He’s a fire hazard, and he comes with smoke trailing behind him and I know it.  And everyone around me can see the smoke.  He’s back for Christmas, and I suspect he wants to see me again.

I don’t know if I’ll see him or not.  He’s bundled around all these intense emotions and while they were all worth it for our time together this summer. I don’t know if they’d be worth it for one, two nights max of marathon sex.

I have good sense, and boundries, and walls, and he can break them all down and doesn’t even know it.


I’m not sure when I became this person…

friend: I got a problem…
Me: Oh
Friend: my penis.  My problem with the penis.  its got a different color.

I’m not sure when I became the person that people come to about weird penis problems…and I’m not sure how I feel about it.



Conservatives shifting their aim to polyamory

Conservatives shifting their aim to polyamory

Bring it.


Confession:  Captain was supposed to be a one night stand.  A one night stand I wasn’t even sure I wanted and was talked into by a friend.

Last night he took me home from a party with another one of his partners. 

I was thinking about how he went from the one night stand I was not sure about to an important staple in my life.   And I honestly, don’t know when it happened, nor do I really know why.  Sometimes the universe gets it right.


Even the most broken things manage to fix themselves.  Life is good.

I don’t need to be rescued.  I’m a big girl, and when I get into trouble, I can get myself out.  I don’t need your help, but I’m not so proud to not accept it when you offer it.

Thank you.  Thank you for loving me in the way that only you can.