Archive for May, 2012


Christian Woman Writes Letter to 18 Year Old Self

Click me.

As a mostly agnostic person, I think this paints a really beautiful picture of faith.  You can nitpick it for gender stereotypes and the like if you wish, but I don’t think thats necessary.


Woman Kicked Off Flight For Wearing A Pro-Choice T-Shirt…Or Not.

Click me

Or she was kicked off the plane because her shirt said the word “fuck” on it.  Seriously, I wouldn’t fly and expect to see swear words on peoples clothing.  It just isn’t appropriate.

There is a huge difference between wearing that shirt on the plane, and in the waiting area, on the street, or in the mall.  In the latter three places you can easily redirect yourself and/or your children out of eye sight if you find the shirt offensive, on the plane you don’t have that luxury.

I know the article says that it was a connecting flight, and I think that does make a difference IF she exposed her t-shirt on the first leg of her trip.  It doesn’t say she did or didn’t expose her shirt on the first leg of her trip, therefore I’m not willing to speculate if AA had the chance to address the issue of her shirt before she left from her destination.


“it’s not the way i’m meant to be, it’s just the way the operation made me”

You might read this and think “this doesn’t matter. It was a million years ago. it was before my time. People don’t do things like that anymore.  People don’t think like that anymore.”

But you’re wrong. It does matter. This is our history, as people. This is how we used to treat people who were different. We need to know this history. It’s heartbreaking and it sucks to read, and it will probably make you cry at least once when you read this history, but it’s important. We have to know our history. We have to know our history because if we never learn our history, we’re doomed to repeat it.


Things not to post about on Facebook.

On what planet is this deemed normal and acceptable behavior?    Breakups are almost always ugly, breakups where a child is involved are even uglier.  So why do you need to make it even uglier by talking about it so publicly on Facebook.  Bitching about your ex is a normal part of the process, but do it with the guys over a beer, rather on facebook.

That is all.


When staring becomes creepy.

I was at my apartment complex pool today, and noticed one man staring at me more than I generally find comfortable.

But when does simply looking at someone become gawking?  We look at people all the time.  After I got home from the pool, I did some googling to see what the world wide web had to say on the subject and found a definition I really liked.  I do not have a source for you because I didn’t think to save links, this might have even come from reddit.  I dunno.

Anyway  a man looking at a woman( or vice versa) becomes creepy when it exceeds the length of time that that a (wo)man would stare at, or want to be stared at by another (wo)man.  Although women tend to have different rules about staring at other women as men have about staring at other men, it’s fairly easy to figure out how much time you have before you’re deemed a creepy fuck.


“Silence equals shame. And I am not ashamed.” Amen.

Life V 2.0

I had an abortion.

I’m not going to tell you how old I was when I had it.

I’m not going to tell you what the circumstances around the pregnancy were.

I’m not going to tell you whether birth control was used or not.

I’m not going to tell you whether it was a wanted or an unwanted pregnancy.

I’m not going to tell you how far along the pregnancy was.

I’m not going to tell you whether there was a genetic abnormality, or whether my life was endangered by the pregnancy.

I’m not going to tell you any of those things because I think answering those questions, creating the situation from which my experience unfolds offers someone, everyone, anyone, the chance to say, “She deserved to access abortion,” or “How dare she get pregnant and have an abortion,” or find some pity in their heart for whatever piece of my…

View original post 401 more words


Love…or something like it.

Every now and then I’m reminded of how fantastic some of the people I call my friends are.

My god, I love you guys.


Untitled funny!

The other day, I was napping on my couch midday and monthly pest control came to do their thing.  My response to the perceived intruder is to grab my recorder, yes the musical instrument you learned to play in the 4th grade, to beat the pest control man.

Dear god, may an actual intruder never come busting into my apartment, because I have a hunch that my twelve year old plastic recorder probably wouldn’t make a lick of difference.



I’ve had like 3 orgasms in the past 30 minutes and I’m still horny as fuck(Haha. Fuck.  Haha.)

Seriously, this is stupid.

Does anyone have a penis I can borrow?  I’ll return it more or less the same condition.


I just learned something sex ed related and everyone should know it!

Click me.

The oils in lipstick can weaken latex condoms, and logically if lipstick can weaken condoms, so can lip balm or  pretty much any other lip product.  If lip products do it, I’d guess that lotions probably do too.

I’d be curious to know how much lipstick can weaken condoms, though.