Archive for June, 2012


European Baby Boxes and It’s similarities to the girls who went away.

“Professor Browne thinks that the spread is greatest in countries with a communist past (and so an attitude that the authorities will take over child-rearing) or in Catholic countries where the stigma of unmarried motherhood is stronger.”  – Click me

The Girls Who Went Away is a book compiled by a woman whose mother gave her up for adoption in the days before Roe V. Wade, and a huge reason I’m prochoice, but that’s a whole nothing blog post.  The first chapter of the book is devoted to debunking the myths with unwanted pregnancy that surround the babies born in this era.  One of the myths it tackles is the idea that the women freely and willingly gave up their babies.

“Chances are the baby wasn’t unwanted.  It was a baby unwanted by society, not by mom.  You couldn’t be an unwed mother.  Motherhood was synonymous with marriage.  If you weren’t married, your child was a bastard, and those terms were used..  I think I’m like many women who thought “it may kill me to do this, but my baby is going to have what everybody keeps saying is best for him.”It’s not because the baby wasn’t wanted.  There would have been nothing more wonderful than to come home with my baby. -Glory”

“The Girls Who Went Away: The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade”  by Ann Fessler, page 11

There are stark similarities between America before Roe V. Wade and the parts of europe that have such strong ideas about what motherhood is and isn’t.  It’s these ideas that make women ashamed to have been pregnant.  It’s these ideas that fed the need for maternity homes in the middle of the 1900’s and feed the need (to an extent) for these baby boxes.  Because when it’s easier to give up your baby than it is to face your family and society about having a baby out of wedlock, that’s just toxic.


God Damned Despicable

This is god damned despicable.

They know it’s creepy hence the title “creep shots,” and I think they think that absolves them of all responsibility, because they admit it right?  No, no it doesn’t.  It makes it worse,  they know what their doing is wrong and they just don’t care.

These people who take these pictures of these young women are objectifying, terrifying, and illegal(I think.)




Things that aren’t attractive:Illiteracy

Read some online dating profiles this morning for shits and giggles and I saw under someones favorite book listed as “I hate reading.”

That is probably the most unsexy thing I ever read on dating profiles.  Surely, there is some book you have read and enjoyed in your entire life.  One book you can intelligently discuss.  Surely.




The End Goal Of Fatherhood

“If you raise a girl with some confidence and you send her out in the world so she feels like she can do whatever she wants, she’s still going to get her face and her ass fucked but she’s going to do it on her terms. She’s going to grab that dick by the base and go, “I want to suck this right now”. This should be your goal as a father: That your daughter only sucks a dick that she thinks is delicious.”

                  -Louis CK

This guy makes …

This guy makes me miss being owned so. damn. much. 


How Men Have Changed…

I’ve been in a lot of classes where we have talked about the ideal man and the ideal woman has changed and I found an example of this phenomenon.  Anyway, it’s pretty self explanatory.  It really surprised me that there is such a difference in six years though.

If any wordpress gurus knows how to do this in a fashion that allows me to add text under the pictures as well as above, could you share your wisdom with me?

First book in the Argeneau Novels, by Lynsay Sands:2006

16th book in the same series: April 201 


The Real Problem with Slut-Shaming

I was in the grocery store last week and it was 90+ degrees.  I was wearing shorts and a tank top.  As I’m shopping, I hear this woman stop her 11 year old daughter, point to me, and say “We don’t dress like that.  It’s shameful.”

I have no problem with your choice to dress yourself.  I have no problem with your wishes for your daughter to dress modestly.  I do have a problem with you stopping, pointing, and then announcing to the whole store that I am shameful.  It doesn’t matter what I’m wearing(or not wearing), you have no right to call me shameful.  I could walk through the store in full on bondage gear, and you don’t have the right to point, stare, or talk behind my back.  I could walk through the store in stripper garb and you don’t have the right to point, stare or talk behind my back.

I think most people would agree that pointing out anyone in the grocery store as “shameful” is actually shameful in itself, but what I don’t understand is why it’s magically appropriate to do on the internet.

To anyone who doesn’t believe me or agree with me:  Wait until you’re the girl who is “shameful” or your daughter is the girl who is “shameful.”  Because it’ll happen no matter how good you are, and you’ll realize how hurtful it is when someone else is trying to impress their morality upon your morality.  You’ll realized how far we need to go as a society.  I just hope you realize it before you’re the slut, because no one enjoys being the slut.


Girl, Did you know…

Saw this on facebook.  I’ve got some opinions about this.  But these pictures pretty much tell it for me.  I totally tried to post them, but it got all fucked up.  So click here. 

I did respond to her facebook post though, as any sex positive person should and here is my actual response:

“Hey, did you know that we have enough problems with men slut shaming us that women really don’t need to do it to each other?

Seriously, what you’re doing is much more offensive that some girls boobs hanging out of her shirt.”

Click Here for the FB comments, if you’re interested.

Click me for an even more charming graphic this young lady put together.


GM flys GLBT Flags- Alert the Media!

Click me for pictures

Click me for an article.

There are lots of reasons to not buy GM products, however the fact that they fly a GLBT flag isn’t one of those reasons.

The End.


Observations from Porn

I like porn, a lot.  A good chunk of my orgasms are aided by porn.

I was watching (kinky lezdom) porn last night and fapping at the same time.  While I was watching said porn, I realized I’ve never had an orgasm, that is if you go by porn standards.  You see, I happened to orgasm at the same time as the sub in the porn and she was much louder and more animated than myself when I cum.

But that’s ok, because porn stars almost always fake orgasms on one level or another.