Archive for the 'Ranting/rambling' Category


Gay Friend

You know what I find really annoying? I have this really cute and hot male friend but the problem is….he’s gay. Why do all the hot ones have to be gay, I mean I can tempt him with boobs but vagina no no that’s out of the question.

And another annoying thing, he has the biggest penis of any guy I know, it’s fantastic that he will never fulFIL me like I want him too.


Disclaimer.  my “really cute and hot male friend” is shamelessly plugging himself.



Dear Carbon Monoxide Meter,

I know your service light is blinking and I really don’t give no fucks.  I’ll report it to maintenance when the office opens in 90 minutes.  In the mean time, shut the fuck up so I can go to sleep.





I have pet rats, 5 of them.  I love them to bits and I think they’re fucking perfect.  My bank account corroborates that statement.

I talked to my dad today who wants me to come visit him in a southern state(I live in the Midwest) over winter.  I told him to commit to dates and give them to me so I arrange a pet-sitter. He said “What pets…Oh the rats?  Who cares about pet rats anyway?”

Why me, your kid cares about pets.  I’d say that you raised me, but that’d really be a lie, given that you really just financed the raising of me.  I acknowledge that as my pets, I am responsible for making sure they have the highest quality of life possible and that means pet-sitters when I’m gone, vet visits, healthy food, and lots of toys.

I get that rats, or any rodent aren’t lots of peoples idea of a perfect pet, but please respect that they are pets and deserve to be treated as such.  They aren’t disposable and they aren’t just things I got on a whim.

  • /rant

I think the world is ending.

One million moms and I agree on something. Urban Outfitters is a bad influence.  Of course, I think Urban Outiftters is a bad influence for very different reasons than OMM does.  You see, urban outfitters has a really bad track record with GLBT rights and marriage equality. 

God, the world is going to end in no time.

As a related note, I only visit the OMM website to know how which businesses I want to support and what TV shows might be up my alley.



I am the planets messiest person.  I don’t deny it, but you’re welcome to prove me wrong.  When I’m procrastinating, I clean. During finals week, my apartment is fucking spotless.

I spent a reasonable amount of time cleaning my kitchen thoroughly,  20 or 30 minutes and then spent 2 hours being OCD about my kitchen….There are other rooms that happen to need cleaning in my apartment besides my kitchen too…



Either the fall I took the other day hurt more than I thought, or the 20 or so miles I’ve put on my bike this week have been working out my abs a whole lot, I don’t know.  But man, I’m rather uncomfortable when I move right now.


This pretty well speaks for itself

“Men should be offended when someone claims that women should prevent rape by not going certain places or acting a certain way.

That line of thinking presumes that you are incapable of control.  That you are so base and uncivilized that it takes extraordinary amount of effort for you to walk down the street without raping someone that you require certain dress code to be maintained, that certain behaviors be employed so that maybe today, just maybe, you won’t rape someone.

It presumes that your natural state is rapist.”


It’s all about balance

I’m irreligious, but I generally agree with this sentiment.  Generally speaking, people fall in and out of our lives in step with what we need at the time, even if we don’t know we need them.

Maybe it is god, maybe it’s just the universe pushing and pulling as needed to make sure people turn out exactly as they should.  I don’t really care either way explore the who and the why of how it happens, I just know it does happen and I’ve learned to be grateful for when it does happen.



The one day I wear a skirt AND go commando I fall flat on my face crossing the street.
Fuck my life.


rape and lessons learned

There have been a several rapes and assaults in town since school started, and by several, I mean like three.  Two were at frat houses and one was a stranger assault on the street.  I’m reading a reddit thread about the recent attacks and unsurprisingly someone mentioned the college girl who went missing summer 2011, whose case is still unresolved.

The upsetting part to me is that I think <insert missing girl> is not on people’s minds still. What are girls still doing walking home at 2 AM from the bars by themselves? If anything it seems like we haven’t learned much from the situation and it seems like history is doomed to repeat itself.

Honestly, I learned a lot from her disappearance.  I learned that even in my idyllic town, bad things happen.  I learned that if I ever went missing and my mom had to pack up my apartment she’d have a whole box of sex toys, that I have no idea what she’d do with.  I learned not to judge a situation before it’s resolved.  But most of all, I learned there is -nothing- gained by running scared, because when you run scared, you let the bad guys win.